Book Week 2023
There was lots of fun and hilarity to be had by all that participated Book Week. Thank you to William Hamel, Alex Bomford, Harrison Mills and Hamish Craig who volunteered to help supervise and run the games on Wednesday and helped make the event run smoothly.
The winners of our competitions are as follows:
Mondays Trivia and Brain Teasers:
YEAR 7 – Liam Hawley and Ethan Ford
YEAR 8 – Henry Chatfield and Sam Ryan
YEAR 9 – Rhys Kaluder and Mitchell Irwin
The winners of the Great Indoor Game Face Off are also to be congratulated. Things were hotly contested, and all teams went into battle determined to outwit, outplay, and outlast the others. The highest point score winners ended up being our year 7 group.
Elias Watt
Ethan Ford
Liam Hawley
Cooper Olrich
Wednesday saw a battle of the brains with a twist. Teams were presented with a picture that contained a large number of visual puns in it.
Students could choose the topic of music or movies and the team that could decode the largest number of puns was the winner.
Nick Page chose to go it alone and narrowly won with his impressive knowledge of musicians and bands.
Finally on Thursday, we celebrated our great readers with a Pizza Party in the library for those that completed the Premier’s Reading
Challenge. I would like to congratulate:
Liam Hawley
Elias Watt
Henry Chatfield
Charles Turnbull
Mrs Cathy Ewin- Librarian