Office For Regional Youth
On Thursday, 11th August, members from the Office for Regional Youth came to Farrer to consult with our students on the issues facing rural and regional communities.
The consultation addressed unfulfilled employment and decreasing populations in regional communities, due to the lack of engaging opportunities for young people. During the session students discussed the advantages and challenges of regional employment, and started conversations on what can be done realistically to encourage young people to take up these offers.
The session inspired students to consider regional employment opportunities when they begin searching for career prospects. This gave our students the chance to have their say on what they want to see in rural and remote communities, and for them to provide recommendations on what would encourage them to seek employment in these areas.
It also provided the Regional Youth Team with an insight into young people’s attitude towards regional communities and how to make regional employment opportunities more attractive. The team, through consultation with the NSW Minister for Regional Youth, Benjamin Franklin, will now be able to use this knowledge to further their understanding on where to prioritise our funding and resources.
These students were congratulated on their proactive and mature approach to discussions and ideas, and we are in negotiation for another round of consultations. ~ Mr Josh Steel