Year 12 Southern Universities Tour
On Sunday 12 Feb, three coaches of Tamworth students ventured down the road to Wollongong for the Year 12 Southern Universities Tour.
Students spent Monday at the University of Wollongong discovery day then followed by a tour and dinner at UNSW later that afternoon. It is here that we were thrilled to catch up with two of our Class of 2022 graduates, Chad Buckman and David Nassim, who had just completed their first day of University studies.
On the Tuesday, the tour continued at University of Sydney and Macquarie University. We enjoyed lunch in true Sydney style when greeted with the classic downpour of rain.The Southern Universities Tour was an extremely informative and valuable trip. The trip made me feel very grateful to be a teacher at Farrer: our young men are the best! ~ Mr Robert Arranz, Careers Adviser.