4.9 Assessment Policies

This policy applies to students in Years 10-12 only.

At times, students may be impacted due to an event or illness that affects their ability to participate in or complete an assessment task.

If there is an incident which is likely to affect a student’s performance, or ability to submit by the due date and time, a leave/illness/accident/misadventure (LIAM) application form is to be completed. This form is completed by the Subject Teacher during an interview with the student.

Where applicable, independent evidence from a qualified person, such as medical professionals, should be provided in support of your application.

Where students are absent because of genuine ill health or misadventure, they will not be disadvantaged as a result of these procedures. The policies are designed to prevent students from gaining an unfair advantage over others by late submission of work. While illness may be acceptable on occasions as a reason for late submission of an assessment task it cannot be used as a reason for non-completion of tasks.

Students who are on work placement need to make arrangements to submit any due tasks on or prior to the due date. Work placement is not a valid reason for the late submission of tasks. 

Where a student knows they will be absent from school on the day a task is due, they should submit the task a minimum of THREE days before the due date. 
If this is not possible, or their work is affected by illness or misadventure, the student needs to bring supporting documentation and meet with the subject teacher to submit the LIAM form on the day of return to school. The Subject Teacher will complete the LIAM form whilst interviewing the student, make their recommendation, and submit the form to the Head Teacher. The Head Teacher will review the applications and make a recommendation and submit the form to the Deputy Principal for approval.

The Student, Parent, Subject Teacher and Head Teacher will all receive a copy of the LIAM application and a notification of the outcome of the application.
In the event the application is declined, the notification to the student will include a link to the LIAM Appeals form, which they may complete should they have grounds to appeal the decision. If an appeal is lodged, the Deputy Principal will initiate an Appeal Committee which will include a Teacher and Head Teacher who are independent of the LIAM faculty. They will provide a response within two school days and their decision is final.

Last updated August 2024

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