2.22 School Manual: Unacceptable Behaviour Procedures

At Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School, strategies and procedures for managing unacceptable behaviour are followed at various levels;

2.22.1 Level 1: Classroom 

Teachers should establish a negotiated set of appropriate classroom and subject rules for all classes. The class teacher must deal with rule breaking behaviour in the classroom consistently and fairly. It is expected that most classroom problems in regard to behaviour or work effort can be resolved within the classroom situation. Persistent or serious infringements of the classroom or school rules will result in a student being disciplined. 

Consequences include: 

  • A verbal warning or reprimand
  • Loss of privileges
  • Restitution
  • Detention
  • Demerit
  • Millennium entry
  • Head Teacher referral
  • Deputy Principal referral 

2.22.2 Level 2: Faculty Level 

All faculties should develop a clear understanding of what constitutes unacceptable behaviour and effort, and ensure that appropriate and consistent action is taken. Where student behaviour or effort is of concern, head teachers have a responsibility to provide assistance, direction and support for their staff. 

Repeated and/or serious infringements of classroom or school rules will, as a matter of course, be referred to the Head Teacher. Depending on the number of times, and/or the seriousness of the situation, then the following will apply;

a) The student spoken to, and some consequence may be imposed (e.g. lunch detention). This incident will then be recorded in Millennium. 

b) Parents/Guardians will be notified by phone or by way of a letter generated on Millennium. These letters are for: 

  • Unacceptable behaviour 
  • Concern
  • Formal caution 
  • Suspension from class 
  • Truancy 
  • Harassment, Bullying or Racism 
  • Non serious attempt 
  • Boarding school concern 
  • Demotion in Colour Level 

c) For repeated offences or offences of a serious nature the Head Teacher will refer the student to the Deputy Principal.

For serious incidents that may require immediate attention (e.g.: foul language directed towards a teacher) the student is to be brought to the Deputy Principal at the first opportune moment. 

Head Teachers may withdraw a student from a subject class for inappropriate language, repeated misbehaviour or a serious breach of classroom rules. 

Students withdrawn from a subject must accompany the Head Teacher to their class or to the class of a “buddy” teacher. 

2.22.3 Level 3: School Level 

More serious violations of the school’s discipline code will result in the following consequences; 

Colour Level Drop 

The Principal or Deputies demote a student and place them on a lower colour level. 


Restitution is seen as an act to repair damage done. It can involve payment for, or repair of, property. It can also involve repairing or rebuilding relationships. 

It is an opportunity for a student who has made a mistake to make full reparation and enables the student to reclaim self-respect through personal effort. 

Restitution at our school will: 

● be seen by the affected student or teacher as adequate compensation.
● mean the affected student or teacher will be consulted as to the nature of the reparation.
● require effort on the part of the offender. 
● not in any way encourage further offences. 
● reflect the values of the school community, respect, excellence and fairness.
● be relevant to the offence committed. 

Where student misbehaviour was directed towards another person, restitution would be made to that person. Where the offence causes damage to school property or facilities, then restitution will be made to the school in the form of school service. 

2.22.4 Severe Violations

For Level 4, see Suspension from School (2.20).
For Level 6, see Expulsion (2.20.2)

2.22.5 Bullying & Racism

For Bullying and Harassment, see the Anti-Bullying Policy (2.11)
For Racism, see the Anti-Racism Policy (2.12)

2.22.6 Drug-Related Incidences

For illegal, recreational and prescription drug-related incidences, see Drug-Related Incidences (2.14)

2.22.7 Weapons Prohibited in Schools 

A weapon is any object that can be used to harm another person. Possession of certain weapons is a criminal offence under the provisions of the Prohibited Weapons Act, 1989. 

If a Principal becomes aware that a student or any other person on school premises or at a school activity is in possession of a weapon or weapons, the Police may be contacted. The student will be suspended immediately. 

Weapons can include, but are not limited to, the items listed below;

Firearms of any kind, any imitation or replica of any firearm, knives or swords, hunting slings, catapults, slingshots, knuckle-dusters, studded gloves, blowguns or any other similar device capable of projecting a dart, whips of any kind, Kung Fu sticks or nunchuks, batons of any type, spear guns, fire crackers or fireworks, mace, laser pointers, any defence or anti-personnel sprays, explosives, discharging irritants in liquid, and dangerous chemicals. 

Last updated October 2023
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